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Meet Ms.Vie
Food scarcity, neglect, and abuse were the rough beginnings of my life. Food was not readily available, and medical attention or supplemental Nutrition was out of the question.
At about the age of eight, I entered a foster home. The family struggled with my health because I suffered from a quantitative deficiency of hemoglobin, also known as "anemia," while suffering from asthma's upper respiratory conditions. The family started me on a regimen. Daily, they gave me multivitamins and iron and fed me nutritious foods; as a child, I should have their meals, and luckily, my foster family contacted my grandmother.
My Grandma lived in Puerto Rico and was unaware of what was occurring in our family, but she happily nursed me back to help with the help of my foster mother and her herbal remedies.
Since then, I have had the opportunity to learn from a renowned island herbalist, who, of course, is my Grandma—worked with one of the largest vitamin manufacturers that made supplements and specialty formulas for Dr. Atkins, Twin Labs, Action Labs, and other more significant vitamin manufacturers.
This company has as much of an impact on me as my grandmother did; they took the time to train 16-year-old me because of my thirst for learning herbalism, supplemental Nutrition, and different modalities in the Alternative medicine field.
Since I supported myself and had to earn more income, I decided to try other areas in the corporate world, retailing, and restaurants. Still not satisfied with my life, when the opportunity and the savings accumulated, I realized my dream to open “PureLife Organic, Inc." The center of PureLife Organic, Inc. is to help others in "Creating Wellness Paradigms for the mind, the body, and the soul address all areas of Wellness, which are Physical, Intellectual, Environmental, Vocational, Social, Emotional, and Spiritual well-being.
The move to owning a store that provided herbal remedies, supplements, fresh juices, and salads, personal hygiene products encouraged me to formulate herbal tonics, skincare, and other items without harsh chemicals. However, I needed more for me to lead our consumers to health with the knowledge I acquired or had embedded in me from a young age.
Naturally, I wanted to know more. I decided to go back to school in my mid-thirties. I started with a certificate program in Nutrition to ensure that I enjoyed this path and wanted to further myself in this field, then became a Reiki Master, enrolled myself in a four-year university. Purdue University Global helped me focus more on the importance of health. I earned a bachelor’s degree in health sciences graduated as Summa Cum Laude, majoring in health and Wellness, then continued with a Master of Public Health with a 4.0 GPA, and still, the passion thrives in me to help others reach their optimum health with alternative therapies and find the source of disease.